Got a Green Thumb Question? Ask the Master Gardeners!

Bring your gardening questions, big or small, to the friendly and knowledgeable Cornell Master Gardeners. We can help you with:

  • Diagnosing plant problems: Is your rose bush looking a little droopy? Are those spots on your tomatoes a cause for concern? Master Gardeners can help identify the issue and recommend solutions.
  • Choosing the right plants: Not sure what to plant in your shady backyard? Want to attract more pollinators to your garden? We can offer expert advice on plant selection for your specific needs and conditions.
  • Improving your soil: Learn about soil testing, composting, and other techniques to improve the health of your garden beds.
  • Pest and disease control: Discover natural and effective ways to manage common garden pests and diseases.

No question is too big or too small! Come chat with us, browse our informative resources, and leave with the knowledge and confidence to grow a thriving garden.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Come by Gray Barn Farm Saturday, May 24th 10am-1pm!